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member since June 06, 2009


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Comics By thorgodofrpgs

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Comics Recomended By thorgodofrpgs

Talfryn is a city that has attracted people from all over with its utopian peace and tranquility. But a lot can change in the span of a week. Detective Pink Panther will definitely learn that. AGENCY is a huge, multi-genre, multi-universe anthro fancomic. Rated T+ for graphic violence, themes and destroying favorite characters from your (or your parents') childhood.

About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

Random adventures of three dangerous teens.

A Final Fantasy VII doujinshi featuring Vincent Valentine, Yuffie Kisaragi and Red XIII.

The tales of what happens to Megaman and Co. outside of the games.

An unnamed school gets shot up by crazy cult members who want to build a New World Order. Its fate rests on the shoulders of a loner and an angel. Updates Monday and Friday

An American teacher in Japan finds romance and wacky misadventures when he gets engaged to a gothy mob princess. We have Time Monkeys.

A universe alternative to our own, technology being far more advanced. The Shadow Particles, or dark matter as we know it, has dominated most of Earth's atmosphere. People developed a certain gear which allows the user to 'touch' and 'control' these.

Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!


thorgodofrpgs's friends

  • Volte6
  • sjcomix
  • DAJB

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