Where's Chuck?

Banes at 12:00AM, July 13, 2017
tags: retcons

Where's Chuck? - Retcons

Hello again!

On the previous Quackcast we talked about retcons - here's that episode if you care to listen:


A retcon is a little tricky to define perfectly, but I guess it boils down to an alteration ...

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Quackcast 331 - Retconning your work

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 11, 2017


Starwars, Ender's game, Captain America… All these are great examples (or bad ones) of “retcons”. But what IS a “retcon”?
What it means is that you go back and change an established work by adding new information that has the effect of changing it in a small or ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, March 9, 2017

Image by Gunwallace, from Utterly Rucked, found here on the Utterly Drunk Duck!


My somewhat undisciplined, regularly wandering mind went, awhile back, to the possibility of doing photocomics instead of drawn ones.

Of course, my fanciful thoughts hit a wall after realizing the amount of WORK that goes into ...

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Emotional Color Wheel

Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 10, 2016

No pic for this one. I'll add one later if the fates allow!

I was a big fan of all the Indiana Jones movies back in the day. When the fourth one, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, finally came out, it was exciting times! Harrison Ford only seemed ...

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Before the Beginning

Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 3, 2016

One of the great things about the original Star Wars movies was the strong sense of a grand, adventurous, and terrible history before the movie started. So much is hinted at through Obi Wan Kenobi about the Jedi Knights, Anakin Skywalker, great friendships, laser swords, and terrible war and loss ...

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The Editorial Voice

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 1, 2016

Recently I watched Crystal Lake Memories, an extensive behind the scenes documentary about the Friday the 13th movies (yes, I know…it's not even October yet and I've managed to shoehorn Friday the 13th into the conversation again).

What I found interesting was the role of Frank Mancuso ...

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Reflection Characters

Banes at 12:00AM, May 19, 2016

Reflection Characters

When I was doing a little reading on the “Mentor” character type, I learned about something called “Reflection Characters”. It was an eye opener; I'd never heard of this before, though I could instantly see how it made sense in storytelling, and dozens of examples came to ...

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Character Arcs

Banes at 12:00AM, March 17, 2016

A character starts in one state of being, and ends in a very different state of being.

The Character Arc in a nutshell!

Every time the subject of character arcs comes up around the site or on the Quackcast, one of the first examples that comes to my mind is ...

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The Sports Story and a Pitch

Banes at 12:00AM, March 10, 2016

I had an idea for an upcoming story in my comic. It came from real life, in a way. I've noticed that I'm really, really good at rock, scissors, paper. Like, I almost never lose. So a tale in the near future will feature one of my characters ...

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The Old, the New, History and Nostalgia

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 28, 2016

Pop culture is being visited by its own past. There's no denying the excitement surrounding the reappearance of the original Star Wars and X-Files characters after an absence of years.

We all know our mainstream entertainment is stuffed with more and more sequels, remakes, reboots, soft reboots, reimaginings, reintegrated ...

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