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Rough right now vent, also I hate banks.
Furwerk studio at 6:38AM, Dec. 6, 2023
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
Right now I am just so frustrated at so many things.
The primary thing is trying NOT to be homeless again after spending two weeks in a hotel room, my mom has money in her bank account but can't get it out because she uses a horrible bank that won't send her a physical card due to not liking ANY address she used, and she uses gpay so we can only use very, very expensive hotels.
We got until Saturday to find an apartment and that means I have to sign up for a bank account, which I tried at several banks but due to my address I got rejected at a few.
Here's the weird thing, the companies say I can just sign up with my old address as long I have my ID and social security, which I do. But locally they demand not only those two things but proof of mortgage or a car registration.
Adding to this is I keep pushing myself on my art as an escape and a way trying to make money from streams and tiktok videos in hopes of getting tips and donations, hoping for a commission here and there but getting nothing right now.
I feel sick due to hearing mom constantly tell me we are screwed because we are losing money, she won't stop telling me we are screwed and she bought so much stuff that have to be shoved into our storage when everything blows up.
Like usual I am just going with the flow and panicking within and wondering if I ever will be able to get a home and friends that enjoy the same things as I do in person.
On the bottom of the getting me upset list is the weird feeling wondering if I am undiagnosed issues besides my high anxiety, because I keep seeing a lot of “that's how I'm feeling,” “that's me!” moment in a lot of people talking about ADHD and Autism but I refuse to do a self diagnosis but unable to see a professional beyond one guy I did talk to who said I might be autistic.
Mom said he was a quack.
I don't know what to say right now, just so frustrated by all of this.
Tantz_Aerine at 1:29PM, Dec. 6, 2023
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006
I'm not sure where you're at, but have you tried Revolut as a stop gap? They also send you a physical debit card. Alternatively, how about getting a prepaid card and loading that up with cash?
I'm sorry for what you're going through. It's ridiculous that a technicality can set you back so much.
Ozoneocean at 6:12PM, Dec. 6, 2023
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
OMG that sucks man. Why would anyone need a mortgage or car registration for a bank account? It's just a bank account, it's not like you're taking on a loan or causing them any risk or the potential for fraud. That is active discrimination against you.

There's this article- I don't know if you've already tried that or if it even helps on not…

Tantz' advice is good.

The system in the USA is so stacked against people, it's horrible.
Furwerk studio at 9:05PM, Dec. 7, 2023
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
Deleted the original post due to that was made in an episode of manic depression and the feeling of my heart was going to pop, and looking at it this morning I just feel stupid for even writing that.

Thanks for the support, I'm doing a bit better now.
last edited on Dec. 8, 2023 6:33AM

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