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Another Question
J_Scarbrough at 10:09AM, March 22, 2023
posts: 607
joined: 8-23-2022
I've noticed that with DD's content rating system for comics that there are separate ratings for “Adult” and “Mature.” What exactly is the difference? Because it seems to me that they would basically be the same thing since they both would suggest that the content of the comic is intended for adult readers.

Joseph Scarbrough
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bravo1102 at 11:12AM, March 22, 2023
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
Showing Penetration. That was the old telling R from X. A director was asked what was the difference between R and PG-13. “About three seconds” he replied.

Pervasive sexual nudity. Extremely disturbing images that go beyond an R rating into NC17 realm. Showing visceral explicit detail with violence.

Extreme sexually profane language into Kevin Smith “let's see how far we can go territory”. Really suggest the extras from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back because he goes into this in detail in the “cut scenes” extra on the DVD.

For the f**k, if used sexually it is immediately “M”. If used very sparingly as an exclamation it's pushing the boundaries of “T”. But every other word it's “M” and really dirty sex talk is “A” as in not innuendo but vivid profanity laced description.

I think this marks the fourth or fifth time I've answered this question in the forums. It comes up every few years.

last edited on March 22, 2023 11:21AM
Ozoneocean at 5:18PM, March 22, 2023
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
bravo1102 wrote:
Showing Penetration. That was the old telling R from X. A director was asked what was the difference between R and PG-13. “About three seconds” he replied.

Pervasive sexual nudity. Extremely disturbing images that go beyond an R rating into NC17 realm. Showing visceral explicit detail with violence.

Extreme sexually profane language into Kevin Smith “let's see how far we can go territory”. Really suggest the extras from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back because he goes into this in detail in the “cut scenes” extra on the DVD.

For the f**k, if used sexually it is immediately “M”. If used very sparingly as an exclamation it's pushing the boundaries of “T”. But every other word it's “M” and really dirty sex talk is “A” as in not innuendo but vivid profanity laced description.

I think this marks the fourth or fifth time I've answered this question in the forums. It comes up every few years.

All of this :)

It's a distinction from the old days but it works.
Mature shouldn't have open vaginas or erect penises, and definitely nothing stimulating or going into either being shown.
Really vicious bloody violent stuff might be A rated too, especially if it's sexually violent or just extra graphic.
elektro at 5:49PM, March 22, 2023
posts: 865
joined: 6-18-2009
It's like the difference between an R-rated movie and an NC-17-rated movie, or an M-rated game vs an AO-rated game. One is restricted for anyone under 17 without parental guidance. The other is restricted for anyone under 18 even with parental guidance.

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