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Secret Santa 2021 Sign-Ups
kawaiidaigakusei at 7:17PM, Nov. 14, 2021
posts: 768
joined: 3-23-2007
Secret Santa is an annual art-trade where you sign-up in the forums and write a quick description of what you would like someone else to draw. The request can be as open-ended or as detailed and specific as you would like. Please keep in mind that there will only be a window of about two solid weeks after assignments are given, so keep requests semi-manageable.


How Secret Santa works:

~Reply to this thread with your gift request before the end of sign-up deadline.
~When sign-ups close, everyone is assigned a secret random assignment via PQ.
~You will have until Christmas (at least a few weeks lead time) to complete your assigned gift and present it on a gift thread (to be posted later).
~Any gifts not completed by the deadline will be reassigned to a volunteer on the DWC (dead weight committee).

~If you need more time, you will need to contact the organizer (me, I guess) before the deadline or be labeled as “deadweight” and have your assignment reassigned. (Deadweight will not be permitted to participate next year.)



Sign-ups: Now to November 30th
Assignments: December 1st
Gift Deadline: December 25th

DWC Assigned: December 26th
DWC Deadline: January 1st


To participate, reply here with your request (can be as specific or vague as you want). If asking for art of a particular character, links to good reference art/pages are helpful.

Also please let me know if You are interested in being part of the DWC.


Tantz_Aerine - For my secret santa I'd like some fanart of Martha and Fotis, or if two people are too much, one of the two :D (Links to references of Martha and Fotis on original post)

nightmarelunatic - I'd like my character Ace and her Orange & White Cat opening funny Christmas presents by a tree, or by a fireplace, or a window with snow outside. Maybe Orangey could get a fish as a present, and Ace gets coal?

usedbooks - I'd like a picture of one or more of my Used Books characters celebrating the holidays (any winter holidays) with one or more of my Secret Santa's original characters. (Links to references on original post)

UnderTheBlackHat - How about one or two of our characters (you can even choose which one(s) you'd like to use) in a nice winter/holiday scene with one or two of your folks?

cdmalcolm1 (DWC) - Requesting something different. How about a Christmas comicbook type cover art of SolarCell in a Santa’s hat and one of your characters taking a Christmas picture together. If the request above is a bit much, then a simple fan art of DarkBeauty or SolarCell is cool too.

hushicho - I'm pretty easy to please, virtually any character and situation that you'd really enjoy drawing from my comics. I like sexy guys, but I like almost any piece of art from another artist depicting their perspective of my characters!

sleeping_gorilla - I would like something Christmas-themed. I'll make it super easy and provide a model that can be drawn over. (Link to reference of Chyler on original post)

lothar - Wants in on this. (lothar, what would you like?)

Andreas_Helixfinger - Just something really noir-looking with my main dame Molly Lusc. It'd be fun if it's Christmas related but I'll leave that up to the artist's own initiative

theRedDeath (DWC) - I'd like a drawing of Bodacious in her current costume.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
last edited on Dec. 1, 2021 8:49AM
Tantz_Aerine at 4:03AM, Nov. 15, 2021
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006
YESSS I'm here for it!
For my secret santa I'd like some fanart of Martha and Fotis, or if two people are too much, one of the two :D

Here are some references for them both (linking them to not spam the thread)



Check them out here in action
nightmarelunatic at 7:51AM, Nov. 15, 2021
posts: 9
joined: 1-31-2007
Yay! I'm so excited for this!

I'd like my character Ace and her Orange & White Cat opening funny Christmas presents by a tree, or by a fireplace, or a window with snow outside. Maybe Orangey could get a fish as a present, and Ace gets coal?

usedbooks at 10:44AM, Nov. 15, 2021
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I'm in. I'd like a picture of one or more of my Used Books characters celebrating the holidays (any winter holidays) with one or more of my Secret Santa's original characters.

Here are some references:
(Click on the names to find pages they are tagged on.)
UnderTheBlackHat at 2:54PM, Nov. 15, 2021
posts: 17
joined: 2-11-2019
We're in again this year! Last years was really nice and we all enjoyed the art we got and the art we gave… Sooo…

How about one or two of our characters (you can even choose which one(s) you'd like to use) in a nice winter/holiday scene with one or two of your folks?

Thanks in advance to everyone that participates!
cdmalcolm1 at 7:57PM, Nov. 15, 2021
posts: 450
joined: 8-21-2012
Hey now! Sign me up for both assigned artist and DWC.

Requesting something different. How about a Christmas comicbook type cover art of SolarCell in a Santa’s hat and one of your characters taking a Christmas picture together.

If the request above is a bit much, then a simple fan art of DarkBeauty or SolarCell is cool too.


DarkBeauty -

hushicho at 2:07AM, Nov. 16, 2021
posts: 161
joined: 10-4-2007
I'm in too! I'm pretty easy to please, virtually any character and situation that you'd really enjoy drawing from my comics. I like sexy guys, but I like almost any piece of art from another artist depicting their perspective of my characters!
♥*♡∞:。.。 Official Site 。.。:∞♡*♥
sleeping_gorilla at 4:09PM, Nov. 16, 2021
posts: 153
joined: 6-6-2021
That sounds like fun! I will contribute art. I would like something Christmas-themed. I'll make it super easy and provide a model that can be drawn over.

lothar at 9:43PM, Nov. 16, 2021
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
I want in on this
Andreas_Helixfinger at 8:43AM, Nov. 23, 2021
posts: 381
joined: 3-16-2019
I'm in:) Been a while since I did one of these^^ Just something really noir-looking with my main dame Molly Lusc. It'd be fun if it's Christmas related but I'll leave that up to the artist's own initiative

Here's the link to the cover page of the comic where you'll have a full display of the character herself:
last edited on Nov. 23, 2021 8:51AM
theRedDeath at 11:46AM, Nov. 23, 2021
posts: 86
joined: 1-14-2006
I'll throw my hat in the ring. You can also sign me up for the DWC.

I'd like a drawing of Bodacious in her current costume.

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