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Burning it down to restart again with just the bare idea.
Furwerk studio at 4:11PM, Oct. 28, 2021
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
I'm currently waiting to move to a new place, so everything is been put on hold for now, which means it gives me time to think over some things like not being happy with how I am not happy with how the comic is shaping, how much a lot of ideas is kind of making some aspects very difficult to work with.
I've come to the decision of just redoing everything, and even redoing the character designs a bit too.

A big reason is for the longest time I would show my friends my work, and often they would goad me into stuff down the line like having this character being this, another doing this and another and another that kind of royally tainted a few characters for me because they would actually commission me for it, then later on act like everything was canon even if I said no, trying to get me to slip their characters in despite I kept saying that would be a legal nightmare I don't want to deal with.

Plus there is a lot of elements I wanted to include the first time around like pushing magic in the setting instead of just being modern day with, well, just be modern day where it seems like only the main character has magic, that is more learning about how to do backgrounds better.

So after page 200, which is going to come out about 2025, I am going to just restart fresh on a new series with a lot of the similar elements and a few characters sharing names but kind of shuffled around a bit to make everything fit better.

I just wanted to kind of sort of vent about how a project got extremely railroaded by people I knew and my inexperience, and I am wondering if anyone else had an experience like this.
lothar at 4:44AM, Oct. 29, 2021
posts: 1,742
joined: 1-3-2006
Holy shit! You have stuff planned out all the way to 2025 ? Damn dude!
bravo1102 at 6:13AM, Oct. 29, 2021
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
lothar wrote:
Holy shit! You have stuff planned out all the way to 2025 ? Damn dude!

That is a long term prospective! Every time I try to plan stuff that far ahead, I change my mind.
Furwerk studio at 7:09AM, Oct. 29, 2021
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
bravo1102 wrote:
lothar wrote:
Holy shit! You have stuff planned out all the way to 2025 ? Damn dude!

That is a long term prospective! Every time I try to plan stuff that far ahead, I change my mind.

I like to have a large buffer when I make comics. I also hate leaving storylines incomplete so I try to get them complete before hand, over time it just added up to two hundred pages by accident.
bravo1102 at 10:12AM, Oct. 29, 2021
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
I have had that large a buffer and I'll post it three times a week and burn through it all while going on to another comic. But I'm a beginning-middle-end writer. I'll finish the story and do something else. There's another story with the some characters (as there inevitably is) it's a new stand alone comic. By 2025 I should have another three-four comics done and six hundred pages or so. Once I get going things just come together and it builds up a momentum.

But four years ahead? I'll have three all new comics done. Got so many scripts, I'm only going forward not back. (Except the fantasy epic. That I will get back to and finish)

Keep looking at my oldest comic and thinking of re-imagining it or doing the re-boot version but I shake my head and look at all the other unproduced scripts and know I have keep going forward because there are so many other stories I want to tell. And I ain't getting younger. In 2025 I'll be 61 years old!
last edited on Oct. 29, 2021 10:17AM
Furwerk studio at 11:11AM, Oct. 30, 2021
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
bravo1102 wrote:
Keep looking at my oldest comic and thinking of re-imagining it or doing the re-boot version but I shake my head and look at all the other unproduced scripts and know I have keep going forward because there are so many other stories I want to tell. And I ain't getting younger. In 2025 I'll be 61 years old!

Yeah, I actually try to go back and re-write everything only to realized after making a huge chunk of marvel style script that I can't do it.

There is just too much tainted with them, and honestly I think you are right, it is best to push forward with new projects.

All I can say is, it was fun, thank you for the views and I hope the next project goes better.

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