The Drunk Duck Fashion Forum

DDFF Pageant 2015 : SemiFinals : Talent Competition
VinoMas at 12:09AM, July 9, 2015
posts: 319
joined: 1-6-2006
usedbooks at 5:22PM, July 12, 2015
posts: 3,357
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Dialogue, backgound, etc. by Usedbooks. Seiko doesn't get to practice her talent in Used Books because she lost her violin in a house fire 1200-some pages ago. Anyway, this was fun. Tristan may or may nor be appearing soon, depends on my schedule.

Full-size: /media/users/usedbooks/assets/seikotalent.jpg
Dragonaur at 6:32PM, July 12, 2015
posts: 162
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She's channeling Jack Benny! ^_^
VinoMas at 7:49PM, July 12, 2015
posts: 319
joined: 1-6-2006
Hi everyone! I forgot to mention to keep the block of information. However, since some of you have already started just message here to let me know that one person did all the work or how many people did the work. Then for future submissions if you could add the label that would be awesome!
Luccia at 11:18PM, July 12, 2015
posts: 125
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It's beautiful, usedbooks! The whole picture. And that was a good joke about the fiddle/violin difference =D
usedbooks at 1:38AM, July 13, 2015
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. :)

Vinomas, I fixed and reuploaded. Sorry about that.
KimLuster at 5:09PM, July 13, 2015
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
Hey she's splendidly beautiful!! And that dress - wow!! I like…!!
fallopiancrusader at 5:47PM, July 17, 2015
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Though some of you might assume that Khthonis's talents are (mostly) limited to bashing in heads, her creative talent has blossomed in the realm of dance. Namely pole dancing! So here she is dressed in her favorite chain-mail bikini, banging out a Rainbow Marchenko for the great big Drunk Duck beauty pageant!
A larger image can be seen at my comic, “Rimjob”

KimLuster at 6:09AM, July 18, 2015
posts: 795
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*Throws every gold piece I have at her…* Wow! FC, that right there would make money as a wall poster!! Beautiful!!
usedbooks at 11:25AM, July 18, 2015
posts: 3,357
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I'm always impressed by people who can get their bodies to move in ways they want them to. Drinking wine from skulls is a good talent too. I assume you have to caulk the arrow holes first.
fallopiancrusader at 10:04AM, July 19, 2015
posts: 411
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The trick is to use skulls that have had the tops sliced clean off by your battle- axe
VinoMas at 11:19PM, July 19, 2015
posts: 319
joined: 1-6-2006
This #Pageant never seizes to amaze me! What a beautiful webcomic this will be in its entirety. Thank you for all for your contributions! Don't forget #PAGEANT and The Drunk Duck Fashion Forum are both running for Best Community Project for DD AWARDS 2015!
darkace at 12:40AM, July 20, 2015
posts: 44
joined: 12-29-2012
Wow, everyone's entries are just AMAZING!!! Each one has their own unique style and it is just impressive. :D
Dragonaur at 11:51PM, July 24, 2015
posts: 162
joined: 5-14-2007
Xara's turn for talent…oops!

last edited on July 24, 2015 11:57PM
usedbooks at 5:04AM, July 25, 2015
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Even if it didn't go as planned, it's a talent no one else can do. (I bet she got it right a dozen times during practice.) I love the pose and expression!
usedbooks at 9:25AM, July 25, 2015
posts: 3,357
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Tristan's talent submission – with a cameo from the Used Books mascot.

Dragonaur at 4:01PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 162
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Two magicians in a row, but no chain saw acts… I'm a little dissapointed! ;-)
usedbooks at 4:08PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 3,357
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Dragonaur wrote: Two magicians in a row, but no chain saw acts… I'm a little dissapointed! ;-)

It's still early. (Great minds or something. :P i was halfway though coloring and saw your entry. Oh well. Typical sitcom situation. Had to happen at some point.)

Edit: Wow. Forum codes really really suck.
last edited on July 25, 2015 4:12PM
Luccia at 5:10PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 125
joined: 3-24-2010
I love them all! We need an outtake of Tristan and Xara. “Well, one of us has to change” I could use more magicians in my life =)
usedbooks at 5:22PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I want to see Tristan in Xara's outfit.

I just realized they have the same hat. I hope Jiro (cat) didn't get wet!
KimLuster at 7:34PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012

Socorro Saavedra's talent entry! Visit my Godstrain Extras for a larger image!
last edited on July 25, 2015 7:35PM
Luccia at 8:26PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 125
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Wooo, horse girls! Can't go wrong with them =D
fallopiancrusader at 8:55PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 411
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Such a happy and upbeat painting! Must be a nice break from all the heavy stuff going down in the Godstrain. She's super hot!
Dragonaur at 9:20PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 162
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Luccia wrote:
I love them all! We need an outtake of Tristan and Xara. “Well, one of us has to change” I could use more magicians in my life =)
No no, Xara would never make such a demand!
Dragonaur at 9:24PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 162
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usedbooks wrote:
I want to see Tristan in Xara's outfit.
Carefull what you ask for! ^_^;
Dragonaur at 9:27PM, July 25, 2015
posts: 162
joined: 5-14-2007
KimLuster wrote:
Socorro Saavedra's talent entry!
Riding a horse! That takes real talent! Last horse I was on, rolled over, with me on it! Excellent picture!
usedbooks at 4:07PM, July 26, 2015
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
@KimLuster: It's always impressive to see a well-trained horse (or a well-drawn one). Very nice. :)

@Dragonaur: Lol. Awesome. No worries. The boy can't do real magic. He can't even pull off most tricks. He is good at getting out of handcuffs, but that's about it. Still, it's probably good I didn't go with my original plan for the straight-jacket and aquarium stunt.
last edited on July 26, 2015 4:08PM
Luccia at 8:28PM, July 27, 2015
posts: 125
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Dragonaur, you are perfection! I love the idea of all the characters chatting with each other. Like a #Pageant party.
Dragonaur at 5:21PM, July 28, 2015
posts: 162
joined: 5-14-2007
Luccia wrote:
Dragonaur, you are perfection! I love the idea of all the characters chatting with each other. Like a #Pageant party.
I think it would be a lively party, given all the contestants so far!
KimLuster at 7:18PM, July 28, 2015
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
I would LOVE a page with ALL the characters interacting… I nominate Dragonaur to draw it!! :D

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