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New Beginings
Randal at 8:45PM, July 22, 2014
posts: 379
joined: 1-4-2006
After the latest hiccup and new arrangements (congrats, Oz, on your victorious negotiation yesterday, by the way), it would be nice if, when there is time, there were eventually a mobile mode for the site and if it started with the forum. This forum is almost impossible to post to using my Android phone. It's very disorienting and jittery. Especially when trying to go back and edit mistakes.
Ozoneocean at 10:04PM, July 22, 2014
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
We need a list of fixes and features.
Bug fixes will come first. - And I mean stuff on the most basic level, like the thing that makes the site crash every couple of days if I don't reboot regularly and the problem with password recovery…
Fun stuff like stats will have to wait for that type of fix.

Way down on the list as things we want to see added to the site. Maybe those can be part of a kickstarter?
Ozoneocean at 10:12PM, July 22, 2014
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
I want this place to be able to run without me in all ways possible (day to day running as well as managment etc), so if needed I'm easily replaceable and things will tick along fine.

One of the worst problems I came across was that without key people who really knew what they were doing (like lawrence, the programmer), and the power to use certain resources (Jacob at wowio), things start to fall apart.

So that type of managment organisation fix is also high priority. This site can't be a one man band.
Randal at 5:00PM, July 23, 2014
posts: 379
joined: 1-4-2006
I think any site that falls apart the second a programmer isn't thereto hold it together is sloppy and not assembled with care. So maybe you should take up these user programmer offers to build code and create a new foundation that is solid, rather than build on this crumbling one. one that is, from the core, friendly with mobile/tablets, stable, easy to fix. Maybe a more off the shelf BB, seeing as tthere are now a number of good ones to chose from and easier to find forum admins to help you with workload. (I could help you part time, but I work a lot of hours, so it would be “a little bit here, a lottle bit there” type of thing.
Ozoneocean at 8:39PM, July 23, 2014
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
I didn't mean to give the impression that this place is crumbling! It's not :)

The platform is solid, but bugs creep in over time and need to be squished and some tings were never tied off properly when the site was first remade because the funding dropped out that was needed to pay for it.

Management of the site is way more than just code and programming though. Organising everything that needs to be done and coordinating people week to week is a big job:
-something goes wrong with the site: who do we contact? Who do we give access to fix it? How do we pay for that? Who is allowed to give permission to change that aspect? If the go-to person isn't available who do we get then? Where do we inform people about the problem? Who should do it, how do we do it, what can we say? Who authorises a new advertiser? Who implimensts the campaign?
Quackcasts, newsposts, feature reviews, social media, user account issues, dealing with site enquires…

That sort of thing is what my role consists of, and that will get harder as we go.
Delegating is good and has worked well so far thanks to great work by Hippie and Kawaii, but I'm still solidly needed at the centre.
I'll be going away for a 4 week holiday in September and I don't want things turning to crap without me :D

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