The Cherub Brothers Chapter 13.37

Magor on May 10, 2024

IT'S A GOOD WEEK! I had this painting of me and one of my ex's i painted back in 2015 when we squirmed back together and i absolutley hated it because it represented something that never was. what i mean by that is towards the end of that relationship i don't even know if half of his life was ever true and i was treated as an inconvient skirt to be seen sometimes and idk if his name he gave me was even real. i have to thank a friend for that…he's popped up here over the years because cherub brothers was born during the course of those 5 maddening years. idk what he's doing now but i'm so happy that painting is gone!

no luck from hearing from jobs…but glad that painting is gone.

if you want to support the comic please check out my linktree with all my books and art.

we're back with corey, nani, and mavathatos now talking in that pit. even though a fall wouldn't kill mava, the others it's a bit of a gamble. idk how they survived, mostly out of spite since the two necromancer really wanted their flesh.

i don't really have much else to add, so have a good weekend and thanks for reading. :)